BOOKPACKERS is a vibrant new cultural experience taking novels on the road - ‘The Big Sleep’ in Los Angeles, ‘Interview With The Vampire’ in New Orleans, ‘Beloved' in Cincinnati.

BOOKPACKERS is the vision of contemporary educator Andrew Chater, who leads classes on the Bookpackers model at the University of Southern California. His classes inspire students to use fiction as portals through which we can explore the different cultures of America, encouraging dialogue and understanding in this age of profound division.

andrew chater

Andrew is a documentary historian who creates inspiring journeys through past and present cultures.

A six-time BAFTA award-winning filmmaker and presenter, Andrew has made over 50 films for prime-time and educational audiences.  In the UK, he is known as the face of Timelines, a BBC series spanning a thousand years of British history.

Andrew relocated to Los Angeles in 2011, and was elected into the USC Faculty of English in 2016.

andrew’s BOOKPACKING Videos

Andrew’s travel blogs


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