Bookpacking america
BOOKPACKING AMERICA is a 15-week ‘on campus’ class exploring the varied regional cultures of America through the portal of classic and contemporary fiction.
The course encourages empathy. Fiction offers us landscapes peopled with characters who think differently to us; reading novels region by region, we come to understand the different mindsets that make up the American whole. In a time of profound division, this emphasis on empathy has never been more relevant or important.
Unlike the other Bookpacking classes at USC, there is no immersive travel component to this class. It’s a seminar class, with the class meeting twice a week for 1.5 hours per session - a total of 45 hours over the course of the Fall Semester. But a core component of the class is the Special Project, an exercise in ‘Bookpacking’ whereby each student explores an American novel of their choice, visiting the location and reporting back on place and people, past and present.
the bookpackers virtual road trip
Who says there’s no such thing as a free lunch? Quinn Booth gets lucky chasing the Hollywood Dream.
Malina Freeman experiences the mellow joy of bookpacking on Bainbridge Island.
Abby Chen goes in search of identity and heritage in Amy Tan’s Chinese-American classic ‘The Joy Luck Club’.
Ashwin Bhumbla explores the Salinas Valley, Steinbeck’s home and the setting for East of Eden.
Charlie Pyle visits Alcatraz, the setting of There There, a briliant new novel by Tommy Orange.
Emelia Ho explores the lost bohemia of Patti Smith’s New York.
Dare you sleep in Room 217? Bookpacking The Shining isn’t for the faint of heart. By Eva Isakovic
Joey Scavone reads Cormac McCarthy on a road trip through West Texas.